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Winchester TN Weather Radar

Winchester TN Weather Radar and Forecast

 The Winchester TN Weather page can help you learn more about the current weather including weather radar and forecast.  If you're looking for weather 37398 zip code, this is the place.

Other Cities?  Click to for  Tullahoma Weather   or   Lynchburg TN Weather    or   Estill Springs TN Weather

See the 3 day tornado forecast 

Zoomed Out Winchester TN Weather Radar

(see below for zoomed in weather radar and forecast)

Zoomed in Winchester TN Weather Radar and Forecast

These Winchester TN weather maps default to rain and thunder but can also be modified by you (the user) to change the presentation. You can zoom in / out, etc.  If you see little streaming dots heading in one direction, those indicate the wind direction.  One map shows a zoomed in version while the second map shows both zoomed out and the weather forecast.

Winchester TN Weather Historical Data

The Winchester TN weather tends to be a bit more moderate compared to the areas further north. However, there's a saying that if you don't like the weather one week just wait a week.  The weather in Winchester can still become both hot and humid during the summer with a small amount of rain to cold during the winter -- in fact, we periodically get a few inches (or maybe even many inches) of snow that can stick around if the temperatures are cold enough.  There's limited snow removal equipment so often times the side roads will stay covered in snow.

Historical Weather in Winchester TN includes (averages F):

Coldest Month:  January - High: 49, Low: 29 

Hottest Month:  Tie with July and August

Winchester TN Weather can provide both strong rain and some even some severe weather and tornados. You can get that at any time, though the month with the highest severe weather is April. December has the highest precipitation (averages) of 5.53 inches and the next is March with 5.23 inches.

average temperatures in Winchester TN
Average Temperatures in Winchester

Winchester TN Weather Historical Temperatures

Winchester TN weather varies somewhat like most cities throughout the year.  The graph on the left shows both the average high and low temperatures of the area. With of course the colder months are during the winter -- though it rarely gets really really cold like up north (fortunately).  

Though the averages are somewhat moderate, we do see more extremes as well periodically including single and low double digit temperatures during the winter. 

Historical Precipitation in Winchester TN Weather

This graph shows the number of days and inches of precipitation by month on average.  For example, in January we typically see precipitation on 8 days during the month with an average of 4.6 inches.

Average annual precipitation for Winchester TN Weather

How cold does Winchester TN Weather get?

Winchester TN weather often has has mild winters and hot, humid summers. Though this is not absolute, we could see low single digits during the winter as well.  The cold season lasts for three months, from the end of November to the end of February each year. The coldest month is January, with an average low of 31°F and high of 48°F, though we may see much higher or lower temperatures as well.

Will Winchester TN Weather ever bring snow?

Yes, it snows in Winchester, Tennessee. The average annual snowfall in Winchester is 3 inches.  The snowy period lasts for about three months, from mid-December to early March.   The month with the most snow is February, with an average snowfall of 1.9 inches. 

The best chances for snow is between mid-January and mid-February. The average 31-day snowfall during the winter in Winchester TN is gradually increasing, starting the season at 0.3 inches and ending the season at 1.1 inches. The highest average 31-day accumulation is 2.2 inches on February 2.

Though Tims Ford Lake is mainly in Winchester it does not freeze or accumulate snow.  We may see a bit of freezing though in more shallow portions of the lake.  

Winchester TN Weather bringing a Tornado
Does Winchester TN Weather have Tornados?

Unfortunately like all of Tennessee, Winchester TN Weather does bring Tornados.  In fact, since Tornado Alley is shifting East, Tennessee has seen an increase in tornados.   It is always best to be weather aware during any part of the year -- as Tornados can happen at any time of the year.

Does Winchester TN Weather have Freezing Rain?

Winchester TN weather does bring freezing rain unfortunately.  Freezing rain is when cold raindrops fall from the sky, then immediately freeze on anything that they land on. This could be a car, the road, electrical poles, trees, and anything else.  This brings dangers for obvious reasons when it lands on roads making them as slick as an ice rink -- and it becomes easy to lose control, stop, turn and pretty much anything else.  It is often best to not drive during freezing rain.

If you leave your car outside and they are calling for freezing rain, make sure to cover your windshield with something and lift up your wipers.  This dramatically helps with ice removal.  And never pour hot water on your windshield when it is cold, as it will likely shatter.

Preparing For Severe Weather in Winchester TN

Most of us have lived in Tennessee for a while.  And we're aware of the Winchester TN Weather and what it could bring.  For those of you who are newer here are a few tidbits to consider (this data taken from Ready.gov)

  • Notifications: 

    • Make sure you two ways to get information about severe weather.  Having a weather radio along with either watching the news or seeing things online is helpful.  Also a wake-me-up application is helpful as well such as StormWatch.

  • Tornado Watch vs Warning:  

    • Know the difference between a Tornado Watch vs Tornado Warning.  A Tornado Warning means immediately take shelter since a Tornado was either reported or indicated on weather radar.  A Tornado Watch means conditions are favorable for weather that can create tornados (severe storms).

  • If There is a Tornado Warning 

    • Immediately go to a safe shelter, such as a safe room, basement, storm cellar or a small interior room on the lowest level of a sturdy building.  Stay away from windows, doors, outside walls. 

    • Use your arms to protect your head and neck.

  • Preparing for Severe Weather (and a tornado)

    • Make sure you have shoes, money, cell phone charger and cell phone by your safe shelter area.  Shoes are important as there will be sharp objects on the ground after a tornado hits.

    • Know your area's tornado risk

    • Be aware of incoming weather, and the forecasts.  (pay attention to weather reports)

See also, Tullahoma Weather

TimsFord411 uses a 3rd party weather application.  Weather is inherently unclear and difficult to forecast.  Please be sure you are always prepared for any type of severe events yourself.  We make no guarantees or warrantees of the quality of this service.

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